The Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya has held a lecturer exchange activity for the Independent Learning Program at the Merdeka Campus (MBKM). This MBKM program involves the Kalimantan Institute of Technology ( ITK ) Balikpapan. One form of implementation of this collaboration is to carry out guest lecturer activities across universities. This activity is adapted to science and study programs, namely the Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I course.

From the Department of Chemical Engineering, one of the lecturers is Dr. Mar’atul Fauziyah., S.T. received a teaching mandate at the Balikpapan Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) and was held on 6-7 October 2022 online and offline. Then on October 19 and 26 we will invite Rizqy Romadhona Ginting, S.T., M.T. namely a lecturer from the Kalimantan Institute of Technology ( ITK ) Balikpapan.

Dr. Mar’atul Fauziyah,S.T. from Department of Chemical Engineering FT UB
Rizqy Romadhona Ginting, S.T.,M.T. from Institute of Technology Kalimantan ( ITK ) Balikpapan.

With the implementation of the MBKM Program Lecturer Exchange activity, hopefully it can be a means to get to know each other between lecturers and students involved in the MBKM program and be a good start for other collaborations.

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