Quality Assurance Organization

The Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) has the task of assisting the Dean in implementing academic quality assurance at the Department level.

Function of UJM:

  1. Describe the quality standards of education into academic quality documents in the Department of Education.
  2. Monitoring the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department.
  3. Evaluate academic quality assurance in the Department.
  4. Submit reports on the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Department periodically to the Head of the Department.

Organization Structure of UJM:

  1. UJM consists of a chairman concurrently a member, a secretary concurrently a member, and a maximum of 3 (three) members..
  2. The Chairperson, Secretary, and members of UJM are appointed and dismissed by the Dean for a term of office of 5 (five) years and may be reappointed for 1 (one) term of office.
  3. UJM is responsible to the Head of the Department.
  4. Further provisions regarding the organizational structure of UJM are regulated in the Dean’s Regulation.

Source: Rector of Brawijaya University Regulation Number 22 of 2022 concerning Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Faculty of Engineering, Chapter XV Articles 45 – 47